Specimen Carp Lakes

A carp weighing over 25 pounds is typically considered a specimen by specimen carp anglers.


A specimen carp lake is a body of water known for having a lot of big carp that often weigh more than 25 pounds. Anglers typically seek out these big carp lakes for a challenge and a chance to land a trophy-sized carp, demonstrating the angling skills they’ve spent years (often decades) developing and perfecting.

Depending on where you’re fishing and the specific lake, the carp in these lakes can have different features, species, and weights.

The fish in a big carp lake are frequently larger (25 lbs +) and older since they have had the opportunity to develop and mature in a suitable, well-developed environment. Hence, they may be more difficult to reel in and require additional patience and expertise on the angler’s part.

The lakes’ distinctive qualities will also make them ideal environments for large carp. One instance is an area with deep water and lots of objects submerged (like weed beds and vegetation to give fish cover). Additionally, the carp’s growth and general health may be supported by the natural food sources present in these lakes, including insects, crustaceans, and tiny fish.

So, anglers should be ready for more of a challenge when fishing for carp in these lakes, but the reward can be worth it if the right techniques are used.

Specimen Carp Caught by Roadie
specimen carp fish caught by angler on Estate Lake


You’re a carp fisherman, so you know what it’s like to be able to see that beautiful fish at the bottom of your line, but not quite be able to reel it in. You’ve got a 25 pounder on the end of your line, but are you willing to call it a specimen? Most carp anglers would consider a fish of 25 pounds or more a specimen and I agree.

However, with increased popularity in recent years, as well as the temperature getting increasingly higher over the last decade or so, so too have the carp increased in size and weight. In fact, if you have the chance of fishing in such a venue that has benefitted from the warmer climate and the fish being fed, you might even have the possibility to reel in a specimen of 30lbs plus!

Carp caught on one of our speciman lake
Common carp caught on our specimen lake

Our Own Specimen Lake Venues

We consider many of our venues to be big carp specimen lakes, many of which having hundreds of carp present and at weights greater than 30lb. 

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of our venues.

Arrow Meadow Pools - Exclusive Hire Specimen Lake

Arrow Meadow Pools was the first fishery we started. It was a real passion project of mine and as an avid carp  angler that has been carp fishing his whole life, I created an environment that I believe, appeals to almost every big carp angler.

Set in 4.5 acres of stunning countryside, we offer anglers the opportunity to exclusively hire this venue and with over 60 carp to catch, some of them weighing upto 35lb, this is a truly authentic big carp lake.

The Estate Lake - Exclusive Hire Specimen Lake

The Estate Lake is a stunning example of an English estate lake. It’s a 2.5 acre lake in size, and it’s surrounded by private, secluded woodland and stunning countryside with rolling hills and the manor house in the distance. Nestled in amongst this serene setting, The Estate Lake is a picturesque sanctuary for anglers.

Stocked with over 150 carp with weights upto 30lb – this is an excellent venue for anglers looking catch big carp. 

Our Syndicate Venues

As well as our exclusive hire big carp specimen lakes, we also own and operate our incredibly popular super ticket syndicate.

Comprised of 8 distinctly different lakes across 5 venues with over 940 carp with known weights upto 40lbs – this truly is a syndicate comprised of big carp specimen lakes.



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